Mon 27 Jan
Oh guys I'm ts Amy I will be in your city for 1 day Thursday call now for your appointment - 29
(2 Notch Rd., Columbia)
♥♥ ❇Your True Satisfaction ❇❇Awaits!!! ♣♣ call Jesse (803) 398 - 1230 ♥♥ - 37
(Columbia, sneak away with me in the Met)
Your New INDEPENDENT Busty Secret Girlfriend .... Pick up the phone... and Dial..... - 30
🆕 WaTerPaRk💦Mine BL∅₩¡ng🎀 👅💕TR¡cK'S🛁 LoNg Day At Work LET ME Ease🛠Yo💆🏽♂️⚙️AnD PUT MY 😻IN Yo Face 🏃🏾 - 22
(Columbia, 🎯Saint Andrews🎯 NEW 🎥 NO TIME r⏰)
¥uMM ¥uMM °*(= HIgHLy =) °o•©•° (=ADDICTIVE=) •©CuTie WitH A SMaCkABle B(•)(•)TY!!©• - 21
(Columbia, Greystone area incall /outcalls)
(Columbia, harbison blvd / hamton inn outcalls also)
x gorgeous latina x $60 special x real pictures x certified freak x thick bootty xready to please x - 24
(Columbia, columbia sc twonotch road)
💕💜✴Your MAIN course😋✴💜💕 🌟is ready to be served🌟.. 🚘Outcalls ONLY🚘60special - 25
(Cola &Surrounding; Areas💦Outcalls Only🚘, Columbia)
Verified Mature Upscale Low-Volume Companion in Columbia -- CAROLINA Girl HOLLY-- Outcalls ONLY! - 40
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, OUTCALLS ONLY! up to 90 miles)
your Blonde Baby Doll BRooKe, classy white female,gentlemen only *new phone#* - 24
(Columbia, out calls only)
What's Your Fantasy or Dream?!? Look No Further Misti is Here to Help Them Come True!! - 22
(Columbia Incall/Outcall)
°-:¦:-WoW shes a° FlAwLeSs :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *indian*black PeTiTe cuttie°-:¦:-° - 21
Upscale specials gen†ℓεmαη's Cho¡cε I''M BACK❤ ØN€☝️◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆HØØK€D - 24
(Columbia, Incalls only)
Your original 🌺Big Island Bbw Beauty🌸, complete with big mouth and big booty!!!! - 33
(Columbia, West Columbia)
YUMMY 👅EXoTic 🌴Chocolate 💦D0M!NiC@N💦 tR€aT 🍫 J@W Dr0pp!N 40 SpclZ 💋 PurrF€¢t 🔟🔟🔟 - 20
(Broad River InCalls, Columbia)
Would You Like Me To Come Over So You Can Play In My Box I Am Now Available For Out Calls - 22
(Columbia, st andrew out calls every were)
! ! ! ! THiS GiRL iS GoRgEoUs * * * * * * === SUPER ((( HOT ))) ----------- >>> Available NOW!!! - 25
~*~WiLD ~*~!!! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ??? *NEW *Ready 2 Please* 36DD ( 5O EARLY BIRD SPECIAL UNTIL 11AM ) - 22
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
Upscale Location, Upscale Girl, only Upscale Gents**Nina Ready Now - 27
(Columbia, Columbia/ Private Incall/ Dwtn, I-26)
Tooooo HOT!!..... Tooooo WILD !!!! ..... Tooooo TEMPTING !!!! ..... Tooooo much FUN !!!! .....;) - 25
The Attention of a Girlfriend, Very Sensual and Sexual Blonde - 25
(Columbia, Harbison Area off I-26W)
°•ஐ•° § € X ¥ • § W € € † • † R € Å † •°• ¥ Õ Ü • Ð € § € R V € • † H € • ß € § † °•ஐ•° - 27
Wanna Play? Available 24/7. Reviewed! Early Bird Specials?! Come Study with Me? - 21
(Columbia, Harbinson)
UPsCale New to town❤️❤️BrEAK AWay from the Locals and Try Somthing New🙋🙋 - 27
(Columbia, St Andrews 1 26 Apartment)
U DesERVE to be Spoiled & Pampered like a KING👑 Cattleya is here! 843 998 8891 - 28
(Columbia, St Andrews / Incalls)
White Di@mond is Here @iming To Ple@se U w/ Her 65 Di@mond Speci@l - 20
"They Call Me Sun" SHINE " Are You Up Or Nah #1Hot Pick ( 2girl 140hh/180hr Special) - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch / Incalls (2girl available))
The Girl Next Store!! Sweet & Petite!! Highly Reviewed & Real PIcs - 23
(Columbia, west columbia (airport area))
[°WeT xxx°×yOuNg nYMPho ×° x I NeeD Someone TO Light My ChErRy BoMB So I CaN ExPlOdE xxX-:) $$60 - 24
??Tired of taking risks?? Me too!! 💎💎 Juici Couture💎💎 is looking 4 regulars. Age 35 n⬆ - 25
(Columbia, Northeast Columbia)